We experience life in days, not hours, weeks, months, or years.
Each day is a story, a miniature version of a human life: it contains a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Each day is an opportunity to rewrite, an opportunity to start telling a new story.
Or if we’re already building a great story, it’s an opportunity to build upon the previous chapter, to do something surprising.
Life is short, yes, but it’s also full of unscripted potential.
Yuri Gagarin, over the course of 20 years, went from living in a mud hut to becoming the first human to journey to outer space.
What else is possible?
If it’s too overwhelming to think of all the days in your life, how about just 1% of one day?
15 minutes = 1% of a day.
What could you do for 15 minutes every day for the next year that would make your life better?
One percent. Can you dedicate one percent to that activity?
You probably spend 30% of each day sleeping.
What are you doing with the other 70%?
Hey there! My name is Raam Dev.
By day I make the web a better place as a software engineer at Automattic.
By night I write on raamdev.com. Say hello to @raamdev.